Sunday, June 23, 2013

Continued from yesterday,
I have found out how much a waste of time it is to focus on all the bad stuff going on in my life the whole while there is good stuff happening. I have figured out that there is a whole world of research devoted to the state of being grateful. My whole life has been spent up until now pretty much wanting what others have and not being satisfied with what I have.
         I like to wear casual clothes no matter how old they are as long as they are clean and fit comfortably. It should not matter

Today I am grateful for the fact that I have this opportunity to create this blog and that I have a computer to do it. Today I walked outside and was at a very busy intersection and had noticed a lot of people outside holding signs in the street intersections “Hungry any help please?” “Will work for food.”I also noticed a few people very intoxicated sleeping in the bushes. The reason I am pointing this out is not to judge but to remember this was me not to long ago. Since those horrific times I have worked and have received many blessings to get to be where I am today for this I am grateful and thankful.

With the help of others, commitment, courage and a lot of perseverance getting off the streets is possible. In most of our lives we will come across roadblocks and obstacles by staying strong and not giving up they can be overcome.  For me making sacrifices and changing my daily routines played a major role in my recovery.

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